Local Governance
Our Local School Improvement Boards provide support and challenge to Academy leadership
Local Governance, through our School Improvement Boards (SIBs), provide assurances to Trustees that standards are being met and that resources are being used efficiently.
Please use the links below to access information regarding the Governing body of individual Academy schools.
- West Cliff http://www.west-cliff.n-yorks.sch.uk/governors/
- Airy Hill http://airyhill.n-yorks.sch.uk/staff/governors/
- Lealholm https://www.lealholm.n-yorks.sch.uk/about-our-school/our-governors/
- Castleton https://www.castletonprimaryschool.co.uk/about-our-school/our-governors/
- Glaisdale https://www.glaisdaleprimaryschool.co.uk/about-our-school/our-governors/